SUPERFLUIDITY: first Face-to-Face meeting in Rome.

CNR.jpgSUPERFLUIDITY officially kicked off the project activities on 1st July 2015 and the first face to face meeting was held in Rome on 7th and 8th September at National Research Council’s premises. All the partners’ representatives met in a two-days meeting where Organizations gave presentations about themselves and Work Package Leaders presented the detailed organization of the planned activities. Discussion run also at the core of the current implementation and mainly at the activities planned in WP2 Use cases, System Requirements and Functional Analysis which first results and internal deliverables are planned for completion at the end of the 2015. The Face to face meeting gave the occasion to the participant to discuss about the vision of SUPERFLUIDITY and its main challenges. Next plenary meeting will be held in Heidelberg on 30th November – 1st December in order to optimize and give chance to partners to participate in the CoNext 2015 Conference. IMG_0996