Nokia is a global leader in the technologies that connect people and things. Powered by the innovation of Bell Labs and Nokia Technologies, the company is at the forefront of creating and licensing the technologies that are increasingly at the heart of our connected lives. With state-of-the-art software, hardware and services for any type of network, Nokia is uniquely positioned to help communication service providers, governments, and large enterprises deliver on the promise of 5G, the Cloud and the Internet of Things. Nokia is an innovation powerhouse with some 40 000 R&D professionals, a combined pro forma R&D spend in 2014 of EUR 4.2 billion and a world-leading intellectual property portfolio. Nokia is combining its own proud R&D heritage with the unrivalled history of Bell Labs, which has been awarded 8 Nobel prizes over its lifetime, together creating around 31 000 patent families. Bell Labs mission is to define the future of communications and networking and deliver disruptive innovations that redefine human existence and business realities.
Bell Labs France, the French Nokia Bell labs center and the second in size, is located in Villarceaux “Innovation City”, in Nozay close to Paris. The “Innovation City” is a large R&D location open to its ecosystems and partners, and is located in the vicinity of Paris-Saclay campus. Bell Labs France is covering research on III-V photonics devices, optical transmission and signal processing, IP and optical networking, end to end mobile network solutions, software defined wireless networks, networks algorithms and control, cyber security, analytics and mathematics of complex dynamic networks. Bell Labs France hosts also an innovation incubation team in charge of the maturation of research results, and “Le Garage”, a dedicated space for collaborative creativeness sessions that fosters the “startup” spirit and enables “entrepreneurship” programs at Bell Labs and Nokia.
Bell Labs France is active in “pôles de compétitivité” Systematic Paris-Région and Cap Digital as well as in a number of European projects within ICT Frame Programmes / Horizon 2020 and Eureka/ITEA-CELTIC, and in national cooperative research actions funded by ANR (national research agency). As part of the open innovation strategy of Bell Labs, joint research laboratories were created in France: the III-V lab on photonics components with Thales and CEA-LETI, a laboratory on future networks with Inria, and the LINCS (Laboratory for Information, Networking and Communication Sciences) with Inria, Institut Telecom, and University Pierre et Marie Curie. Bell Labs France is also among the leaders of the French node of “EIT ICT Labs” in the framework of the European Institute of Technology. Bell Labs France is also member of the “SystemX” IRT (Technology Research Institute) dedicated to digital engineering of future complex systems.
The Software Defined Mobile Network department belongs to the end to end mobile network solutions laboratory. Its mission is to study and develop efficient solution for various problems in wireless systems as well as new architecture design for next generation wireless networks such as 5G and beyond. Research themes are Self-configuration for wireless networks, Energy efficient wireless networks, “softwarization” of wireless networks, software defined networks (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV).
Laurent Roullet is currently leading the “Software Defined Wireless network” department in Bell Labs France, focusing on Cloud RAN architectures, front-hauling optimization, Software Defined Networks and Network Function Virtualization applied to wireless access, both 4G and 5G. He joined Bell Labs in 2010 and has worked on small cells optimization and interference coordination. He joined Alcatel Lucent Mobile Broadcast in 2006 and led the standardization effort of the DVB-SH (hybrid satellite terrestrial mobile broadcast). From 2001 to 2005 he worked in UDcast, a start up focusing on mobile routers for satellite and DVB networks and developed the first DVB-H infrastructure in cooperation with Nokia. From 1997 to 2001 he worked in Alcatel Space on onboard processing. Laurent Roullet is graduated from Ecole Polytechnique and SupAero.
Bessem Sayadi received his degree in Electrical and Computers Engineering in 1999 from SUPCOM, TN, and both his M.Sc. (2000) and Ph.D. (2003) degree in Control and Signal processing from SUPELEC, FR, with highest distinction. He was a postdoctoral fellow for two years in the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) funded by SAGEM SA. From 2005 to 2006, he worked as researcher in Orange Labs. Since 2006, Dr Sayadi joined Bell-Labs as Senior Researcher in wireless technology where he worked on diverse areas ranging from physical and MAC layer design and scheduling to transport protocols, video coding/delivery and Future Internet architectures. Currently he is working on building future 5G system. He has participated in several EU projects, being project coordinator of FP7 MEDIEVAL project. He is an active contributor in 5G NORMA and 5G SuperFluidity projects. He has authored over 60 publications in journal and conference proceedings and serves as a regular reviewer for several technical journals and conferences. He holds 17 patents and has more than twenty five patent applications pending in the area of video coding and wireless communications.